Sunday, December 25, 2022

Aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets

Aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets

aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets

 · Aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets. Elizabeth E. Bruch, M. E. J. Newman. Romantic courtship is often described as taking place in a dating market where  · Abstract. Romantic courtship is often described as taking place in a dating market where men and women compete for mates, but the detailed structure and dynamics of dating  · The study findings could answer why online dating does not work for most. Aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets "Romantic courtship is often

[] Aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets

Romantic courtship is often described as taking place in a dating market where men and women compete for mates, but the detailed structure and dynamics of aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets markets have historically been difficult to quantify for lack of suitable data, aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets.

In recent years, however, the advent and vigorous growth of the online dating industry has provided a rich new source of information on mate pursuit. Here we present an empirical analysis of heterosexual dating markets in four large US cities using data from a popular, free online dating service. We show that competition for mates creates a pronounced hierarchy of desirability that correlates strongly with user demographics and is remarkably consistent across cities.

We find that both men and aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets pursue partners who are on average about 25 that they use different messaging strategies with partners of different desirability.

We also find that the probability of receiving a response to an advance drops markedly with increasing difference in desirability between the pursuer and the pursued. Strategic behaviors can improve one's chances of attracting a more desirable mate, though the effects are modest.

Elizabeth E. It is a common observation that marriage or dating partners strongly resemble one another in terms of age, education, physical attractiveness, attitudes, and a host of other characteristics schwartz One possible explanation for this is the matching hypothesis, which suggests that men and women pursue partners who resemble themselves. This in turn implies that people differ in their opinions about what constitutes a desirable partner or at least about who is worth pursuing.

At the other extreme, and more in line with biological studies of mate selection andersson ; darwin ; wonglies the competition hypothesis, which assumes that there is consensus about what constitutes a desirable partner and that mate seekers, regardless of their own qualifications, aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets, pursue those partners who are universally recognized as most desirable becker ; mortensen ; gale ; laumann Paradoxically this can also produce couples who resemble one another in terms of desirability, as the most desirable partners pair off with one another, followed by the next most desirable, and so on.

To the extent that desirability correlates with attributes like age, physical attractiveness, and education, the matching and competition hypotheses can, as a result, produce similar equilibrium patterns of mixing becker ; Kalick ; Xie However, while the two hypotheses may produce similar outcomes, they carry very different implications about the processes by which people identify and attract partners. If there is consensus about who is desirable, it creates a hierarchy of desirability walster ; taylor ; HHA10 such that individuals can, at least in principle, be ranked from least to most desirable and their ranking will predict how and to what extent they are pursued by others.

Historically, however, such hierarchies have been difficult to quantify, aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets. Since they reflect which partners people pursue, and not just who people end up with, one would need a way to observe unrequited overtures as well as requited ones in order to determine who people find desirable.

Online dating provides us with an unprecedented opportunity to observe both requited and unrequited overtures at the scale of entire populations. As data from online dating web sites have become available, a number of studies have explored the ways in which mate choice observed online can inform the debate about matching versus competition.

These studies typically focus on how specific attributes of individuals shape their browsing and messaging behavior. Thus, people compete on some attributes and match on others. While these studies provide valuable insights about matching and competition aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets an attribute-by-attribute basis, however, they do not capture the overall dating hierarchy that reflects total demand for each person in the market.

In this paper we report results from a quantitative study of aspirational mate pursuit in adult heterosexual romantic relationship markets in the United States, using large-scale messaging data from a popular online dating site Materials and MethodsData. We provide a crisp, operational definition of desirability that allows us to quantify the dating hierarchy and measure, for instance, how far up that hierarchy men and women reach for partners and how reach is associated with the likelihood of getting a response, aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets.

We also explore the ways in which people tailor their messaging strategies and message content based on the desirability of potential partners, and how desirability and dating strategy vary across demographic groups. To study individual desirability we focus on messages between users of the web site over a 1-month period in four cities: New York, Boston, Chicago, and Seattle. At the simplest level, one can quantify desirability by the number of messages a user receives, aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets specifically the number of initial messages, since it is the first contact between a pair of individuals that most reliably indicates who finds whom attractive.

Figure 1 shows the distribution of this quantity separately for men and women in each of the cities. The most popular individual in our four cities, a year-old woman living in New York, aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets, received messages during the period of observation, equivalent to one message every 30 minutes, day and night, for the entire month.

However, desirability is not just about how many people contact you but also about who those people are. If you are contacted by people who are themselves desirable, then you are presumptively more desirable yourself. A standard measure of such reflected desirability is PageRank BP Here we calculate PageRank scores for the populations within each of our four cities Materials and MethodsNetwork analysisthen rank men and women separately from least to most desirable.

A scaled rank of 1 denotes the most desirable man or woman in a city by our measure and 0 denotes the least desirable. It is important to emphasize that, while we use PageRank as an operational measure of desirability, we do not assume that users of the web site themselves use PageRank, or anything like it, to identify attractive mates.

In reality, a person might choose to message another based on an attractive profile picture, an interesting description, a good demographic match, an impressive income, or any of many other qualities. PageRank scores simply give us, a posteriori, a glimpse of who is desirable on aggregate, by identifying those people who receive the largest number of messages from desirable others. Once we have our desirability scores, we can use them to identify characteristics of desirable users by comparing scores against various user attributes.

As shown in Fig. For men desirability peaks around 50, aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets, then declines. In keeping with prior work, there is also a clear and consistent dependence on ethnicity lewis ; Linwith Asian women and white men being the most desirable potential mates by our measures across all four cities.

The final panels in the figure show how desirability varies with educational level. Desirability is associated with education most strongly for men, for whom more education is always more desirable.

For women, an undergraduate degree is most desirable HHA10 ; postgraduate education is associated with decreased desirability among women. These measurements control for age, so the latter observation is not a result of women with postgraduate degrees being older Supplemental InformationTable 2. We now turn to the central results of our study. First, we use our desirability scores to explore whether people engage in aspirational mate pursuit i.

In Fig. The upper curves in the top panels of Fig. For each individual we compute the median desirability gap over all initial messages they send and then plot the probability density of these numbers for men and women separately.

The most common modal behavior for both men and women is to contact members of the opposite sex who on average have roughly the same ranking as themselves, suggesting that people are relatively good judges of their own place in the desirability hierarchy. The distributions about this modal value, however, are noticeably skewed to the right, meaning that a majority of both sexes tend to contact partners who are more desirable than themselves on average—and hardly any users contact partners who are significantly less desirable.

Both women and men tend to contact others who are ranked somewhat—but not excessively—higher than themselves. The lower curves show the probability of receiving a reply to an initial message given the desirability gap between sender and receiver.

Women have higher overall probability of receiving replies, but both women and men have substantially lower probability of replies from more desirable partners. Bottom panels: Lower curves show the average aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets of people contacted by individuals as a function of their average desirability gap.

Upper curves show the inter- quartile range of desirability of the people contacted, controlling for number of people contacted. Neither set of curves extends all the way to the left of the figure, because there is insufficient data to make reliable estimates in this regime. The lower set of curves in the top panels shows the probability of receiving a reply to an initial message.

The curves are higher for messages sent by women than for those sent by men—women are more likely than men to receive replies—but among both women and men the probability of a reply is a decreasing function of desirability gap, more desirable partners replying at lower rates than less desirable ones.

And yet the aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets majority of men send messages to women who are more desirable than themselves on average. Messaging potential partners who are more desirable than oneself is not just an occasional act of wishful thinking; it is the norm. The bottom panels of Fig.

The upper set of curves show the variation of desirability gaps across the potential partners a person contacts, quantified by inter-quartile range the distance between the 25th and 75th percentiles in the distribution of desirability gaps.

Conditioned on the number of messages sent, men and especially women who reach higher up the desirability ladder tend to write to a less diverse set of potential matches, in terms of desirability gap. This behavior, consistent across all four cities, indicates that mate seekers, and particularly those setting their sights on the most desirable partners, do not adopt a diversified strategy to reduce the risk of being rejected, as one might for instance when applying to universities bound The lower set of curves in the bottom panels shows the average number of messages sent by a woman or a man as a function of average desirability gap.

Women initiate far fewer contacts than men, but both sets of curves fall off with increasing desirability gap in all four cities. One might imagine that individuals who make a habit of contacting potential partners significantly more desirable than themselves large positive desirability gap would also initiate more contacts overall, to increase their chances of getting a reply, but in fact they do the opposite: the number of initial contacts an individual makes falls off rapidly with increasing gap and it is the people approaching the least desirable partners who send the largest number of messages.

Do mate seekers put more effort into attracting more desirable partners? Based on message content, there is some evidence that they do. In the top two panels of Fig. Both men and women tend to write substantially longer messages to more desirable partners, up to twice as long in some cases. The effect is larger for messages sent by women than by men, though there are exceptions. Among the groups we study, for instance, it is men in Seattle who have the most pronounced increase in message length see also Supplemental InformationTable 3 note2.

The lower set of curves in the same panels shows a simple measure of the emotional content of messages, the fraction of positive words based on the LIWC database PFB01 ; kahn Here we see an interesting difference between women and men, the women showing an increase in their use of positive words when communicating with more desirable partners, while men show a decrease.

The expected payoffs for both men and women show a remarkably close match to the messaging behavior depicted in the upper panels. For example, in all four cities men experience slightly lower reply rates when they write more positively worded messages.

Though our analysis cannot reveal the underlying process that gives rise to these behaviors e. The results presented here provide a picture of the aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating and its implications for the likelihood of success. We present a network measure of desirability in dating that is based on mate seeking behavior rather than subjective personal qualities like attractiveness.

We find that while some mate seekers do pursue partners of similar average desirability to themselves, the vast majority of the online dating population we study tend to reach up the hierarchy toward more desirable partners.

In the language of matching and competition introduced at the start of this article people are, it appears, pursuing a hybrid strategy with elements of both—they are aware of their own position in the hierarchy and adjust their behavior accordingly, while at the same time competing modestly for more desirable mates. We find that all but the most extreme mate seekers exhibit heterogeneity in their mate pursuit, initiating contact with partners across a range of desirabilities.

This suggests that both men and women combine aspirational mate pursuit with less risky prospects. Message strategies also become less diversified in terms of range of desirability gaps as people reach higher up the desirability ladder. The chances of receiving a reply from a highly desirable partner may be low but they remain well above zero, although one will have to work harder, and perhaps also wait longer Kalickto make progress. Compared to the extraordinary effort male rats are willing to go through to mate with a desirable female Everitthowever, messaging 2 or 3 times as many potential partners to get a date seems quite a modest investment.

One might wonder how the patterns we observe online might inform our understanding of offline mate pursuit and dating markets. Online dating differs from offline dating in several important ways finkel It has also been suggested that consensus about what makes an attractive partner is strongest in the early stages of courtship, when partners do not know as much about one another eastwick ; hunt While it is difficult to study early courtship offline—our method requires unrequited overtures, which are hard to observe in offline interactions—these differences suggest that hierarchies of desirability may be more pronounced online than off.

Online dating has grown greatly in popularity in recent years and has become an increasingly common way for people to find romantic partners, edging aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets more traditional means such as meeting through coworkers or through family. Thus, online dating now plays a substantial role in the organization of sexual and romantic relationships in the United States—it is currently the third most common way partners meet after meeting through friends or in bars rosenfeld ; note4.

The data used as the starting point for our study consist of demographics and messaging patterns for active users of a popular online dating site during a one month period aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets observation from January 1 to 31, The site does not market itself to any particular demographic group and attracts a diverse population of users whose makeup, in most locales, corresponds loosely to that of the general population.

The population of users is concentrated in coastal areas, although there are significant numbers of users in major midwestern cities such as Chicago.

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, time: 6:18

Aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets | DeepAI

aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets

Aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets Elizabeth E. Bruch1,2* and M. E. J. Newman2,3 Romantic courtship is often described as taking place in a dating market where  · The study findings could answer why online dating does not work for most. Aspirational pursuit of mates in online dating markets "Romantic courtship is often In recent years, however, the advent and vigorous growth of the online dating industry has provided a rich new source of information on mate pursuit. We present an empirical analysis

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